(Sun - THU)
[email protected]
Mansoura, Egypt.

Balady Bayanat

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing

Balady Baynat


In support of the mission of the Department of Statistics and Research at the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing (MOMRAH) to deliver up-to-date statistical products and services with value-adding characteristics of accuracy and comprehensiveness with consideration for quality, transparency, and participatory and client-centric values, data models—provided by agencies, secretariats, and municipalities—have been developed and updated by the Department. The objective of the solution is to provide an interactive and comprehensive statistics platform containing critical data from municipalities, secretariats, and agencies which the administration needs to efficiently produce annual and quarterly statistical reports and books. The platform offers advanced features that enable more efficient data collection, enhanced results presentation through reports, graphs, and maps of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including its administrative regions, across various KPIs.

  • Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing (MOMRAH), (Partner: Digital Geography)
  • Government, Saudi Arabia
  • 12 Months